The Transit Referendum to Nowhere
The Committee Against an Unfair Tax talks to us about what's wrong with Mayor O'Connell's transit referendum
🍿 Troma's Ben Johnson talks · Transit prevails · This week in streaming · Much more!
📅 Visit our On The Radar list to find upcoming events around Nashville. 🎧 On Spotify: Pamphleteer's Picks, a playlist of our favorite bands in town this week. 👨🏻‍🌾 Check out our Nashville farmer's market guide. Monday, 1/13 🪕 Bronwyn Keith-Hynes @ Dee's Lounge, 6p, $10, Info 🎸 Timbo & Lonesome Country @ Jane's Hideaway, 8p, Info
The Committee Against an Unfair Tax talks to us about what's wrong with Mayor O'Connell's transit referendum
Our recommendations to counteract the endless scrolling.
A Review of Brutal Minds: The Dark World of Left-Wing Brainwashing in Our Universities
Megan Basham’s new book on the politicization of the church sparks an Evangelical Civil War
From Immaculate and The First Omen to Longlegs and MaXXXine, Christianity is having a terrifying moment at the multiplex.
Lee Alexander McQueen/Ann Ray @ The Frist Art Museum
How taxpayer money supports liberals' art
McKay’s Ultimate Road Trip offered adventure and all of its accompanying turmoil
H.D. Miller falls down the Bitcoin Conference rabbit hole and tries and fails to learn something
Horizon: An American Saga and Twisters shift the western beyond its well-trodden apologist territory.
Gen Z hates the salacious. It’s become a truism with Hollywood sex scenes declining 40% since the pre-9/11 days. Blame #MeToo or the psychol
West from the Fallen Wall, Short Stories from the Pax Americana in Europe, is an impressive debut. Author Ryan Henderson’s unembellished yet
The state's 5th District Congressman Fifth District Congressional candidate talks reelection plans
How a 16-year-old Marvel flop predicted our current political moment.
Dissecting the American class system is just fine when Bernie rails against the banks or Trump assaults the D.C. swamp, but always-online ar