A Brief History of Nashville’s Parks
The Long View from Luke Lea Heights
🎞️ Witt talks Lynch before Dune · Private school vouchers · Sleeper bills · Film rundown · Much more!
📅 Visit our On The Radar list to find upcoming events around Nashville. 🎧 On Spotify: Pamphleteer's Picks, a playlist of our favorite bands in town this week. 👨🏻‍🌾 Check out our Nashville farmer's market guide. Monday, 3/10 🎸 Bluebird at the Symphony @ Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 7:30p, $39+, Info 🪕 Brownyn Keith-Hynes @ Dee's
The Long View from Luke Lea Heights
Name: Joy Styles Age: 48 Nashville Metro Council Member: District 32 Central Antioch Experience: First-time candidate serving on the Metro C
Misinformation [https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/health/2021/09/28/tennessee-resists-covid-vaccines-embraces-monoclonal-antibodies/5817
Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp were down for more than five hours yesterday and here’s the question I pose to you: If there was no media,
Here's my mask on a silver platter...
How one Tennessean is picking up where the government left off in Afghanistan
Though likely buried by the news that Joe Biden’s executive orders turned V for Vendetta into a documentary last Thursday, Nashville’s arts
“We’re just trying to survive through the pandemic, give everyone who’s here jobs, and be here for the community,” said Nick, a restaurant m
As legacy media revels in the COVID-related death of Nashville’s conservative talk-radio legend, we should remember his legacy of personal and governmental accountability.
State Republican legislators are trying to shore up their base with special sessions and anti-mask stances; They willfully failed to prevent this debate four months ago.
Inflation is just getting started. At some point the Fed is going to have to slam on the brakes - not tap the brakes - slam on the brakes. A
In an increasingly woke-ified world, America's pastime still has its moments
California’s September election offers a path forward from identity politics
'Roadrunner: A Film about Anthony Bourdain' stirred controversy for manufacturing voiceover of its late subject. Documentary film has more pressing issues.
Journalism’s intellectual giant died ten years ago. Our civic discourse will never recover.