Nashville's Best Margaritas
Your guide to finding the best version of this "pairs well with the beach" cocktail in our landlocked state
🗣️ Blah, blah, blah · Freddie vs. DOGE · Fairgrounds speedway · Repeat offender of the week · Much more!
📅 Visit our On The Radar list to find upcoming events around Nashville. 🎧 On Spotify: Pamphleteer's Picks, a playlist of our favorite bands in town this week. 👨🏻‍🌾 Check out our Nashville farmer's market guide. Monday, 3/10 🎸 Bluebird at the Symphony @ Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 7:30p, $39+, Info 🪕 Brownyn Keith-Hynes @ Dee's
Your guide to finding the best version of this "pairs well with the beach" cocktail in our landlocked state
I Did the Research So You Don't Have To
A mashup of ghost story and slasher offers a faith-tinged take on childhood trauma
John digs up a big, weird rock in his backyard and tries to discover its origin
The History of Our State Drink
Metro wants to force companies to pay for out-of-state abortions
Kent Morrell’s decades-long fight with the medical establishment has led to an insurgent State Senate Campaign and a focus on Big Pharma’s influence over the General Assembly
A Nashville columnist beseeches NYT liberals to move to the Volunteer State to change it
In which we spill ink on what passes for journalism in Music City
Planned Parenthood adopts a new business model after Roe v. Wade overturned
Hunter doth protest too much, methinks
Our go-to options when prestige TV gets as old as last year’s sunscreen at the bottom of a beach bag.
Eating Fresh and Locally in Tennessee
The franchise’s finale proves a worthy successor to the original and a savvy take on blind trust in science.
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